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Taylor Swift unveils the Illuminati Mark of the Beast in “Style” music video. NATURA : AMORE: ARTE: ANIMALI: CITTÀ: NATALIZI: RICORRENZE: PAESAGGI: FIORI: VARIE: Dipinto di Salvador Domènec Felip Jacint Dalí, Olio su Tela "Noia alla finestra. Web oficial de la Universidade da Coruña. Enlaces a centros, departamentos, servicios, planes de estudios. Please be advised that many video files, particularly those for recently released ones, may have a very short lifespan before they are removed from host sites. Bethan is the apprentice to a green healer named Drina in a clan of Welsh Romanies. Her life is happy and ordered - and modest, as required by Roma custom - except.
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Taylor Swift unveils the Illuminati Mark of the Beast in "Style" music video. Posted By Illuminati. Watcher on Feb 1.
I honestly didn’t know if Taylor Swift was ever going to be subjected to the Illuminati music industry mind control; but now that I’ve seen her video for Style I feel like things are about to take a serious turn for the worse…First though, if you’re new to the Watcher community, I must add my disclaimer that I don’t believe Taylor Swift is “in” the Illuminati; nor am I proving that the “Illuminati” exists. I’m just exploring the “theory” that there is an elite group of people who are attempting to steer the universe towards THEIR will. They do this through symbolism in the entertainment industry, which I’ve no doubt been proving for the last few years here on Illuminati. Watcher. com. Let’s take a look at some of the Illuminati symbolism we can see in the video: First, we have various symbols of mind control that you’ll certainly be finding all over the internet on other clown- ass “Illuminati” websites. This includes the broken mirror symbolism: The broken mirror symbolizes the fracturing of the mind, which happens during the mind control process (akin to the MKULTRA CIA projects of the 5. The common language for this is “dissociative identity disorder” or perhaps having split personalities. We see this ALL OVER the music industry, as I prove in my hip hop conspiracy book SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC where I detail ALL of the alter egos of your favorite musicians like Nicki Minaj, Eminem, et.
It even includes a specific example of Michael Jackson, where his maids revealed that he was obsessed with covering up mirrors around the house. We also see tons of symbolism of the All Seeing Eye, which now ties her into the multitude of other musicians who do it: Here we get the Eye AND the Illuminati triangle; as symbol used to manifest demons into our world. Watch George Carlin... It`S Bad For Ya! HD 1080P on this page. Here’s one more Eye shot where she appears to really be unraveling and covering up her left eye- the moon eye.
Now, here’s where I really decided I would make a post about this video. The other stuff I already mentioned is kind of blazay- bla status quo conspiracy, but this next one is what makes me think something is up…You’ll notice that there’s a part of the video where lightning starts crashing around Taylor: At first I thought, “Ok, here is some lightning symbolism, which could be the symbol of Lucifer since he ‘fell like lightning’ and there are all sorts of links to Lucifer”, but then I saw something else that made my jaw drop: Taylor is crossing her arms across her chest which implies that she is being initiated into the “Illuminati.” This was recently revealed in my article on Big Sean and his occult transformation: The crossing of arms signifies a transformation, as per the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Journal in which Jim Tresnar reveals its Freemasonry links. This also supports the idea that Big Sean is aligned to occult ideas of alchemical transformation, as we’ll explore a bit more here soon in this article…This goes even further into the darkness if you consider that the lightning flash is PRECISELY what is required to bring about the goddess of Isis which is the ultimate goal of these occult practitioners because they believe Isis will grant their every wish and desire. I detail this in DECODING ILLUMINATI SYMBOLISM: THE MARK OF THE BEAST- “X”: Nodens is the lightning war god, and in the book it claims that he “flashed forth as lightning from the depths and formed a throne in the celestial realm; a seat of stone where the goddess was established.” The book goes on to talk about the heart of Noden’s sigil is the same as that of the Mark of the Beast; a fusion of X and O which produced the lightning flash from the depths. It is believed that this initiates the establishment of the goddess because the union of the X and O is analogous to the union of the phallus and vagina.
If you read through that article you’ll see how the lightning and the “X” arms both indicate occult symbolism of incredible precision. Add this to the imagery that we’ve seen from her in the past and it appears that she’s headed towards that wacky occult world of the “Illuminati”: Take a look at my video on the Illuminati. Watcher You. Tube channel for even more images. So what do you think? Is Taylor Swift about to go crazy as she “crosses the Abyss” and journeys into these dark recesses of the occult? Let me know in the comments what you think- I read all of them.
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